A story about being part of a Clan.

M o r a m o r a

Mora Mora is a special collection composed by lamps combining two natural medium, the raphia and the clay, made in partnership with a social company based in Antananarivo, Madagascar Capital.

Those pieces have been imagined as “Une invitation au Voyage”, to built bridges between cultures , to open a dialogue between craftsmanships and makers.

new collection

This is our Love message to Nature, after all.

Each piece can be seen as a love message to the Ocean, by its sandy texture, the wavy handles and its mineral colors.

Families of vases are meant to grow and can be mixed together, to create your own Clan.

Every Clan is imagined, designed, then slowly hand-made in the studio.


if you want to be part of the Clan, drop your email :)

if you want to be part of the Clan, drop your email :)